Parking Drive in Ahmedabad: Public Perceptions and Impacts
Gujarat High Court passed a judgement on 11th May, 2018 notifying a ban on on-street parking within 50 meters of junctions and on the arterial streets. Following this, on 16th July, 2018, Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation (AMC) along with the traffic police initiated a drive in the city against on-street and illegal parking. Over 50,000 sq.m of area was freed from encroachment and heavy penalties were imposed for on-street parking. Alternatively, AMC identified 48 surface parking lots across the city.
To assess the impact of this initiative, The Urban Lab designed and conducted a detailed user survey focussed at understanding the implication of the parking enforcement measures on people's travel pattern, mode choice, and travel behaviour. A total of 537 respondents participated in the survey. The study found that there is support for parking regulations and willingness to pay for parking if it improves traffic discipline and transport services in the city.
October 2018 – April 2019